Gay sex gifs club

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Remember Andy Taylor and Liam Riley’s epic and stylish “ Sex En Rouge“? Remember all the faces they made and reach-arounds they gave each other?ĥ. (Click any link or gif to watch that scene’s trailer.)Ħ. The true hallmark of any great gay porn scene is whether or not it has any “gif-able” moments, so I guess in addition to the scenes on this list being the most gif-able gay porn scenes of the year so far, they’re also simply the best gay porn scenes of the year so far? Hmm…that’s another list for later in the year (see 2013’s list of the best gay porn scenes), so for now, I present to you the Top 6 Most Gif-able Gay Porn Scenes Of 2014 (So Far). All that really matters is that this 2012 Club Inferno Dungeon scene has gif-ted us one of the greatest (if not the greatest) gay porn gifs of all time. Has anyone even watched the scene from which the above gif was made? Probably not, but that’s irrelevant.

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